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Image Coaching

Is your image not what you want it to be? Need a new look? Let's chat!

  • 1 h
  • Price Varies
  • Online or At Client's Location

Service Description

Many of my clients are often surprised at how much of their roadblocks are actually rooted in self-image and confidence. We often have to put a pin in the original issue they came to me with so that we can do a little work on their confidence and image first. Once we can address that issue, the work they need to do on their original issue gets a whole lot easier. Why? It's quite simple really. Self-image starts with self - it's how you see yourself, right? When someone has a poor self-image it is often the barrier to making the necessary changes they need to in order to step into their greatness. If they want to create the fulfillment they are seeking, they need to have a positive sense of self that aligns with the life they are seeking. Think of that "thing" you have wanted for a while that would really just take your life to the next level, but it's still missing from your life. Maybe it's a big career change. Maybe it's a life partner. Maybe it's going to graduate school. Maybe it's stepping into a leadership role. Whatever it may be... think about that one thing that is a realistic get but has eluded you. Now, think for the next 10 seconds about why that isn't your reality right now. Ok, now are you more of a person A or person B? A. As you sat thinking of your "realistic get" that would allow you to step into your greatness, you maybe had some doubtful messages playing in the back of your mind. Maybe some messages came through that sound like excuses to give up on your dream or maybe they sounded like reasons to not even start at all. If you really thought about it, maybe you even had a few times you could think of where you had opportunities come up where you actually could have had what you really wanted right in the palm of your hand but because you were too busy looking everywhere else, you didn't even see it. B. You truly believe you can do anything and persist at it until you achieve it. You see opportunities where others only see problems. Yet, you still receive feedback that you need to work on your executive presence, and/or you feel like your style just isn't where it should be. Whether you said A or B, the good news is improving your self-image improves how you manage yourself, relationships, and how you perform in life. The best part? You feel great in the process! This is why it's a great place to start your journey.

Cancellation Policy

In order to reschedule appointments, 24 hours advance notice is required. The VIP Lab reserves the right to retain the full fee for any sessions that are not canceled with a 24-hour notice.

Contact Details


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